Real estate in Famagusta

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Apartments and houses in Famagusta - how to become an owner of real estate in North Cyprus.

In the southeast of the island of Cyprus, in a quiet harbour, there is a small picturesque, and the ancient city of Famagusta. The Greek name of it is Ammochostos, while Turks call it Magusa or Gazimagusa. It is a port and an interesting part of the country from a historical point of view. Here everything is saturated with Turkish-Greek culture and history: ancient temples, old houses decorated with mosaics, the amphitheatre, baths, tombs of nobles and kings. Locals value these ancient monuments very much and carefully protect them. Among the historical sights, there is a well-preserved Temple of St. Barnabas, considered the divine patron of Cyprus. The Othello fortress is worth a visit and offers a beautiful view of the harbour. In Famagusta, history enthusiasts have a chance to contemplate a unique 14th-century Gothic hall. Also, there are tours to the Venetian Palace, converted into a prison.
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The ghost town of Varosha located not far from Famagusta attracts many tourists. Once this place was one of the most popular among artists and celebrities. Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and many others visiter the glorious resort. However, the place was later abandoned due to political upheaval. Today Varosha is divided between Turkish and Greek parts of Cyprus.

Buying property in Famagusta in Cyprus.

Famagusta today attracts many foreigners who come to love the place for its beauty and tranquillity, golden beaches, excellent service and modern infrastructure. There are shops, bazaars, restaurants and cafes, high-quality medical services, sports grounds and SPA zones. The city is home to one of the oldest, largest and most famous educational institutions - the Eastern Mediterranean University. Around 60 thousand students from all over the world come here to study.
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Due to these excellent conditions, those who are interested in real estate have been coming here in recent years. Together with Profit Real Estate you can choose and buy the most suitable properties in Famagusta. For instance, large apartments with a good layout, exclusive villas in on the seashore with panoramic pools, round the clock security, interior design and other.
Profit Real Estate offers a full range of services:
  • profitable, relevant, exclusive offers from the catalogue on our site;
  • a free viewing tour to choose the ideal place from several options you like;
  • support during the transaction (preparation of legal and financial documentation, resolving any kinds of issues with the developer, professional translators, etc.);
  • diversified after-sales service.
Choose your ideal property in Famagusta from Profit Real Estate!

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